Flying Irish
The Flying Irish Studio is a small, family-centered business. Most of our classes are one-offs, run only once a week. Therefore, in-person make ups classes will only be available if there is a comparable class that has space, and only when working on material that relates to the original class.
Please make every effort to attend all scheduled classes (in-person unless ill), as this is important to the student, teacher, and classmates. A lot of material can be covered in each class, and steady attendance is required so that a dancer does not fall behind, which in turn can effect the entire class. Participation in special programs & events may have specific attendance requirements; see information pertaining to each event or program.
There are no refunds, transfers or credits for missed classes, whether dance or yoga, regularly scheduled classes, workshops or mini-sessions. If the studio cancels class a make up date, either in-person or virtual, will be provided.
Illnesses: Students who too sick to go to school or work cannot come to dance class. Students must be symptom and fever-free for 24 hours to return to dance class, except with COVID-19 where a person must have a negative test taken 3 or more days after exposure or have quarantined for 7 days after first exposure and is symptom-free. A fever is 100F and higher, or feeling feverish. If a student or someone in their immediate household has an active communicable disease, ex. COVID, flu, pneumonia, pink eye/conjunctivitis, chicken pox, or if dancer has a fever, you cannot enter the Flying Irish Studio.
Anyone who has a persistent cough, running nose, sneezing, sore throat and/or weeping eyes must be masked before entering the studio. Masks must be fitted to the face, fully covering the mouth and nose. If you don’t have one, ask us for one.
Summer Sessions: Irish Dance is a year-round sport. Summer classes are needed to learn new material to prepare for fall competitions, to maintain fitness and to be prepared for summer & early fall events. Summer classes are required for dancers wishing to attend Nationals. There are no make ups for missed summer session classes.
Private Lessons: Private lessons & individually scheduled group classes must give 24-hour advance notice to reschedule the lesson/class for another time. Classes must be rescheduled within 2 weeks of the missed class and taken within 4 weeks of the missed class. If students cannot attend a rescheduled time, they forfeit the tuition for that class/lesson.
Low enrollment policy: Classes with less than 4 dance students may have their time reduced (tuition will remain the same) or may be canceled and those students will be placed into alternate classes.
Pre-Event Attendance: Dancers are required to attend all regularly scheduled classes for the TWO WEEKS prior to the event, as well as all event-related special rehearsals in order to participate in that event.
Serious injury or illness: A doctor’s note explaining the nature of the injury is required. Virtual classes can be arranged for the duration of the injury/illness so the dancer does not fall too far behind. Tuition must be kept up to date to hold class placement and cannot be refunded or transferred to another student. If in-person make-up classes are available, these can be scheduled in the month(s) following his/her return to classes, within that calendar year. If in-person classes are not available, the student will be offered virtual classes and/or class recordings and/or will be able to send in videos of their dancing for private comments/review. A doctor’s note is required stating the student is able to return to dancing.
Attendance Awards: If this is your dancer’s 5th, 10th or 15th year as a student of the Flying Irish—congratulations! They will be given an attendance award at the end of the year.
Snow Days
If the weather is inclement, please CALL the studio as early as possible. You must call or text to get a make-up. If enough people call to say they will not be attending, classes will be cancelled for that night, or will be held virtually. The Flying Irish Studio may be open even if school or other activities were canceled in your area. You will be emailed when classes are cancelled and notification will be posted on Facebook's Flying Irish Studio page.
When classes are cancelled due to inclement weather, either a make-up will be offered (in-person, virtual or in a comparable in-person class); tuition will not be adjusted in the event of cancellations.
Virtual Classes
Whenever necessary for the health and safety of our families, the Flying Irish Studio will offer virtual classes. Tuition, and the class withdrawal policy, remains the same for virtual classes as for in-person classes. There are no make-ups when exclusively virtual classes are held. If the Studio is running exclusively virtual classes, dancers may email the studio 1 video per week, of one of their dances. Instructors will respond via email with personalized comments. The Flying Irish Studio's small class sizes ensure that our dancers continue to have a high quality experience when transitioning to virtual classes.
The Flying Irish Studio takes the safety of its students seriously at all times, and this includes during online classes. Classes have passwords and automatic waiting rooms; classes may be locked after they start. (Recordings are only available for as long as their is space to host them, which is typically one week.) File sharing and screen sharing are not allowed in the Studio's virtual classes. Chat is not allowed in classes with younger participants. Make sure your dancer knows to use the class link to reconnect if they are bounced out of class due to internet issues or if the session ends & needs to restart. The Flying Irish staff will stay updated with online training to be best able to protect our students.
Students should wear their class attire for virtual classes, including the correct shoes for the class. It is advised that children do virtual classes in an open area of their house, away from pets & siblings but an area that can be monitored by parents. The Flying Irish Studio and its staff are not responsible for any accidents that may happen within your home when attending virtual classes, or while a student is engaging in independent practice.