Flying Irish

Irish Dance Class Schedule
Schedule is subject to change based on enrollment
If a student or someone in their immediate household has an active communicable disease, ex. COVID, flu, pneumonia, pink eye/conjunctivitis, chicken pox, or if dancer has a fever, the student must stay home. They can Zoom if we are notified by 2:00 pm. Anyone who has a persistent cough, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and/or weeping eyes must be masked before entering the studio. Masks must be fitted to the face, fully covering the mouth and nose.
September 3 - June 19
Age is as of September 1st; accepting new students through the end of October.
5:00-5:45 pm Little Leprechauns (ages 3.5-5)
5:45-7:00 pm private lessons
7:00-8:30 pm Adults
5:30-7:00 pm Competition-at least one private lesson a month is required to compete; Prereq: Inter/Adv Begin in at least one dance
Private Lessons - schedule will be posted in the lobby for the following month; payment is due when reserving the private (see policies)
No Class Days 2024-2025
Oct 31, Nov 26-27, Dec 24-Jan 1. Feb 17-21, April 21-25

Registration Forms
To register for fall classes, complete the winged ghillie form & Venmo $40 registration fee & first month's class tuition fee (non refundable)
Claick on the Winged Ghillie to register for weekly classes
Click on the winged hard shoe to register for ceili club, workshops, yoga & privates (if not taking group classes)
Within six weeks of our daughter joing the Flying Irish, she was confidently dancing at competition. Her teacher, Mary-Sarah, has taught her about the importance of poise, practice, and self confidence. She has transformed from a child who would never want us to watch her perform, to a child who does nightly performances. She takes Irish dance with her everywhere ... meaning this is her new way of moving around. She has come so far in such a short period of time and looks forward to continuing her lessons and learning new skills. We highly recommend giving this beautiful dance skill a try at the Flying Irish Studio! (Lunenburg, MA)

I had no idea what to expect going into my daughter’s first Feis. I prepared her not to win; I didn’t want her to be disappointed if she didn’t place. But, WOW!! It was so fun watching her, and everyone. And I am beyond proud of my daughter and what she went out and did in front of so many people. She doesn’t get that confidence from me. She loves dancing and has had a really great start— I’d like to think it’s because she has some great teachers. (New Ipswich, NH)

The Flying Irish name & logo (winged gillie) are trademarked; the winged gillie, hard shoe & double hard shoes (from website & tee shirts) are all copyrighted and may not be used or copied without permission.