Flying Irish
Class Attire
See the Forum for tips on buying, storing & caring for Irish Dance supplies
Please take note of our dress codes! What looks great on stage starts in the classroom. Extra clothing obscures alignment, muscle tone, and faulty technical habits and can be a safety hazard. Failure to dress appropriately for class can result in a student observing, not participating in, that class (no make-ups).
Face masks will be required in class during times of enhanced social distancing and for students who are in close contact with, someone who is infectious. Masks must be worn if a student has any cold symptoms (even if you suspect it's allergies). Masks must be fitted to the nose and mouth (i.e. no material hanging loose).
Dance Class Attire
Poodle socks may be purchased at the studio. Used shoes may be for sale at the studio or are listed on the Forum.
Children: Flying Irish black logo shorts (if shorts are unisex, they may run a size larger than normal), green logo tee-shirt--from NEPA,
Little Leprechauns (girls): may wear black leather ballet slippers instead of ghillies
Girls: poodle socks, ghillies, jig shoes if needed
Boys: white sports socks, jazz or reel shoes (ages 10 & up), jig shoes if needed
Adults: same as above but may wear black leggings instead of FI shorts
Team jackets & leggings may be worn at the start of class, during warm-ups
Ordering deadlines: March 13-26 (delivery 5/19), March 27 - April 9 (delivery 6/2), October 9-21 (deliver 12/22) & Aug 28-Oct 1 (delivery 12/2). NB: The store will only show items for sale during the ordering periods.
Hair must be pulled off the face & neck; hair accessories must be secured on the head.
Only minimal, secured jewelry.
Cover class attire with appropriate outerwear when outside.
Children ages 9 & up should wear deodorant for classes & events.
Dance Bags (beginners & up)
Personalized team drawstring bags & duffle bags are available from NEPA.
Dance shoes – soft, hard, sneakers
Notebooks/practice logs (can be downloaded from “Policies & Prices” page)
Blister band aids
TheraBand for drills
Teens/Adults/Advanced Students: electronic device (phone, ipad, etc.) in their bags, to be used only for dance notes or filming themselves or their teacher
Mini-Sessions & Ceili Club Class Attire:
Wear athletic clothing and soft soled shoes/dance shoes. Street shoes are not allowed on the studio floor.
Clothes: Black leggings or shorts, tee-shirt or comfortable long-sleeved shirt (preferably kelly green). Please choose clothing that does not have attachments that might distract or get in the way of movement.
Dance shoes: Irish ghillies, black (or pink if you already have them) leather ballet slippers, black jazz shoes or dance sneakers.
Hair pulled back off the face & neck; hair accessories must be secured on the head.
Only minimal, secured jewelry.
Shoes: Rutherford, Antonio Pacelli, Fays & more; practice gear, sundries
Get 10% off using the code in our members Forum, "Classes" Section, "Class & Team Attire" subcategory
Rutherford Shoes
Girls Reel Shoes - suede sole at the lowest price point ($50 in November 2021)
Boys Reel Shoes for Intermediate & up; black jazz shoes for beginners--may be purchased at any dance supply store
Jig Shoes (Sound Blaster Tips required for Novice - Champion)
Sundries: blister booties, sock glue, practice pads
Pachelli also sells shoes by Fay, Rutherford & Hullachan Pro. All shoes from their website are acceptable. They also have videos on how to select fitted shoes, and how to lace ghillies.
Fay's sells soft shoes, boys reel shoes, hard shoes & shoe accessories. Colored ghillies are not allowed.
**All shoes must be fitted (the end of the shoe hugging the toes). Leather shoes stretch over time and will need to be replaced. Buy shoes from a dedicated Irish Dance shoe merchant ONLY to ensure proper fit. Overly large shoes will not be allowed to be worn & new ones will have to be purchased to replace them.
Dance or other class footwear must be clean and worn in the dance areas only. Dance/class shoes being worn outside of dance areas must be covered with outside footwear.
See the Forum for tips on purchasing & caring for shoes.
Music can be found on the Feis app or the Beat app, organized by RTN's levels. CDs may be purchased through Rutherford Shoes.
Currently enrolled dancers may list their used shoes, Optimum gear and Prime outfits for resale. Items that are left in the studio must be marked with their size, seller's name, asking price and how to pay. Used class tees & shorts will be accepted as donations for team fundraising. Dancers must pick up their used items within ONE WEEK of leaving the studio or they will be considered donations to team fundraising.
NEPA will send an email when you order is ready. If you have not heard from NEPA about an order, try calling them. If you do not get an answer, let your teacher know.

The Flying Irish name & logo (winged gillie) are trademarked; the winged gillie, hard shoe & double hard shoes (from website & tee shirts) are all copyrighted and may not be used or copied without permission.