Flying Irish
Flying Irish's New England Championships
April 13, 2024
Feis email: Registration open until March 22nd or until dances/events fill up.
Payment (Venmo only) is due at the time of registration. A dancer is not registered until they have paid; registrations not accompanied by payment will be deleted. Registration is limited and on a first come/first paid basis. Registration closes on Friday, March 22, at noon, but registration may close early if the feis capacity is reached. There are no refunds, transfers or credits for the event, including for team members who cannot dance because not all of the team has entered the feis.
Changes to registrations will not be accepted. Only one registration form per dancer may be submitted. Please double check your registration form before clicking submit. You will receive a confirmation email after submission.
Champion & Preliminary dancers must provide their own dongle for set dance music being played on a Bluetooth device.
Dancers must pick up their own solo awards by the end of the day on which they dance. Event & team dancers must be in present in costume & shoes to get their awards. Awards will not be given to anyone but the dancer and will not be given out after that day's competitions have concluded.
There will not be an 8 bar wait in between dancers.
Flying Irish, LLC are not responsible for any illnesses contracted at the event. We recommend wearing a KN95 or N95 face mask.
For the safety of our attendees reserve the right to take temperatures and refuse obviously sick/contagious people (fever/mucosal coughing/conjunctivitis, etc.).
*We recommend dancers practice in their masks to prepare for the feis.
All spectators must be seated during competitions; we recommend leaving 1-2 seats between your party and others
Only water is allowed in the auditorium. If you are eating or drinking anything other than water, you must do so in the lobby or outside.
Those who are dancers must be in good health and permitted to participate in all activities encompassed with attending a feis.
2024 Syllabus
Tir na nOg: Reel (1 step), Light Jig (1 step)
Event (Reel & Light Jig), Slip Jig, Single/Hop Jig, Treble Jig (1 step)
Event (R, LJ, TJ), Slip Jig, Single/Hop Jig, Hornpipe, St Patrick's Day
Event (SJ, TJ, Blackbird), Reel, Single/Hop Jig, Hornpipe
Event (SJ, TJ, Job) Reel, Single/Hop Jig, Hornpipe
Adult Open Events (age 21 & up)
Beginner/Intermediate Event (R, LJ, TJ) - all Intermediate speed
Novice/Prizewinner Event (SJ, TJ, Blackbird or Job)
In the event we do not have enough dancers for the Adult Open solos or championships, those adults registered will be moved to the higher age group of the level they are registered for.
Adults may enter solos at their appropriate level
Preliminary Champion
Event - Reel, non-trad set
Event - Slip Jig, Treble Jig or Hornpipe, Non-Trad Set of choice (must be in contrasting tempo to hard shoe round)
Champions must bring their own dongle to play their set dance music.
Solos - Reel (40 bars), Treble Jig, Hornpipe
There will not be an 8 bar wait in-between solo dances.
Dancers must have material appropriate for each Event. Dancers dancing material obviously below or above that competition's level will not receive full marks.
Dancers who stop dancing, except in the event of an injury, will not be allowed to re-dance and will not receive any marks for that dance/round.
All event ties will be broken by awarding the higher ranking to the person with the highest score as follows: Champion - 1) NTS; 2) Hard Shoe; 3) Soft Shoe
Preliminary - 1) NTS; 2) Reel
Prizewinner & Novice - 1) Hard Shoe; 2) Trad Set; 3) Soft Shoe
Intermediate - 1) Treble Jig; 2) Light Jig; 3) Reel
Beginner - 1) Light Jig; 2) Reel
Lord & Lady of the Trads - Whilte Blanket
Competition is open to any Novice, Prizewinner & Champion dancer. There will be 1 winner in this event: a Perpetual Trophy for RTN dancers or other award for non-RTN dancers.
2 & 3 Hand Figures
4 Hand Ceili
Click here for the NEC Vendor Form
Signature Ink will be providing NEC apparel
Registration Link
Results Link
(Event placements will not be listed in the correct order of the results)
2024 Schedule
Times are approximate; once started, competitions may run up to 1 hour early or may run late. Competitions will not be held open if dancers are not present when called. Dances are listed in the order they will be done.
NB: Dancers will have to change their shoes for their event hard shoe round & then change back to soft shoe as soon as they are done their event (if doing soft shoe solo dances at the same level). Competitions will not be held for dancers unprepared for their next dances beyond a reasonable time.
8:45 am Doors open
9:15 am Tir na nOg
9:25 am Beginner
Event U8, U11, U16; Slip Jig U10, U16; Hop Jig U16; Treble Jig U10, U16
10:35 am Intermediate
Event U10, U16, Adult B/I; Slip Jig U11, U16;
Hop Jig U13; Hornpipe U10, U12, U16; Trad Set U11, U16
12:00 pm Teams - 2 Hands, 4 Hands, 3 Hands
12:20 pm Lunch Break
12:45 pm Novice (if we're running early Novice will start at 12:30, but no earlier)
Event U12, U14, U17, Adult Open 2; Reel U11, U13, U17, Adult;
Hop Jig U16; Hornpipe U12, U14, U17
2:30 pm Prizewinner
Event U13, U17; Reel U14, U17; Hop Jig U16; Hornpipe U15, U17
3:45 pm Preliminary & Champion
Prelim Event Reel; Champion Event Slip Jig;
Prelim Event Sets; Champion Event Treble Jig & Hornpipe
Champion Event Set Dances; Lord & Lady of the Trads
Champion Reel & Hop Jig
NMRSD High School
19 Main Street
Townsend, MA 01469
Area Information
Hotels--no group rates
- Hilton Garden Inn, Devons Common
The Groton Inn, Groton, MA
MBTA commuter rail (Fitchburg line, Wachusett station)
Amtrak (Union Station, Worcester)
Worcester to Fitchburg travel
- Bailey's Bar and Grill
- Patriot Pizza & Subs
- Pizza Pizzazz
- Panda Wok
- McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts
Outdoor Adventures
NH State Parks (Mt. Monadnock & more)
Wapack Trail (Mount Watatic & more)
Davis Farmland (corn maze, petting zoo)
By attending Flying Irish Feiseanna, you agree to release and forever discharge Flying lrish, LLC, its heirs, successors, administrators, instructors and assigns, including sponsoring and affiliated organizations for any and all claims, action, causes of action or liability for any and all losses, whether based on allegations of negligence or not, resultant from the your family's participation (as a dancer or a spectator) in its programs and events connected with the activities of Flying lrish, LLC. Permission is given for The Flying lrish, LLC, and its affiliations to use dancers' images for publicity reasons on the Internet, in print, or on video.
We reserve the right to deny admission to anyone. Participants and their guests must treat all other event attendees with respect or they will be removed from the event/banned from future events..
There are no refunds, transfers or credits for any funds associated with Flying Irish events.